University of Sourthern California


Meet the MPH Online Faculty

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Meet the MPH Online Program Director

Mellissa Withers

Dr. Mellissa Withers, PhD, MHS

Director, Master of Public Health Online
Associate Clinical Professor of Preventive Medicine

Dr. Withers is an experienced health researcher who has worked on four continents. She spent 15 months conducting fieldwork in a rural village in Indonesia for her dissertation and has also worked in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Her primary research interests are in community-based participatory research, gender-based violence, mental health, and global sexual and reproductive health, including family planning and HIV prevention.

A welcome message from Dr. Withers:

“Congratulations on your decision to pursue a graduate education. The field of public health offers an opportunity to address public health challenges facing our local, national and global communities. The focus on prevention of negative health outcomes and the promotion of health and well-being is why I chose a career in public health.

The mission of the Master of Public Health Online Program at the University of Southern California is to prepare the next generation of dedicated public health professionals who will assist in creating health communities around the world. It is our goal to provide you with one of the finest public health experiences available. Through rigorously designed classes, strong student support, and experiential learning opportunities, we will prepare you to leave USC with the required competencies of public health professionals, ensuring that you have competitive and relevant skills for your careers.

At the heart of the MPH Online program is a highly qualified, multidisciplinary faculty with a strong commitment to applied, community-based health promotion across a variety of settings. As a student, you can expect to learn from and be mentored by these impressive leaders in the field. I encourage you to learn more about our faculty and courses now.”

Meet the MPH Online Program Faculty

Spotlight Faculty

Sophia Gruskin.

Sophia Gruskin, JD, MIA

Director, USC Institute for Global Health and Program on Global Health & Human Rights
Professor of Preventive Medicine and Professor of Law

Sofia Gruskin is a pioneer in global health and human rights. Her work, which ranges from global policy to the grassroots level, has been instrumental in developing the conceptual, methodological and empirical links between health and human rights, with a focus on non-communicable disease, child and adolescent health, HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence and health systems. Her notable partners include the World Health Organization and the United Nations Development Programme.

Ricky Bluthenthal1.png

Ricky Bluthenthal, PhD

Professor of Preventive Medicine

Ricky Bluthenthal has written more than 95 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals such as the American Journal of Public Health and Social Science & Medicine. His current studies include: an exploratory, mixed-method study on people who initiated drug injection in their 30s; an evaluation of substance abuse prevention interventions in Los Angeles County; and a community-based participatory research project to reduce multiple health risk among middle-school aged Latinos and their parents.

Lourdes Baezconde Garbanati.png

Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, PhD

Professor of Preventive Medicine

Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati holds five academic degrees and speaks multiple languages. Her work focuses on community-based research and public health initiatives that explore the role of culture in health behaviors, with an emphasis on the elimination of health disparities, particularly among Latinos in the Americas. Her global research interests have allowed her to take as many as 19 students abroad every summer, for the past five years, to conduct independent research or their practicum in public health.

Photo of Allison Smith-Estelle, ScD

Allison Smith-Estelle, ScD

Part-time Lecturer of Preventive Medicine Global Health Track

Photo of Amanda Goodrich, PhD.

Amanda Goodrich, PhD.

Part-Time Lecturer Biostatistics/Epidemiology Concentration Core Courses

Photo of Anamara Ritt-Olson, PhD

Anamara Ritt-Olson, PhD

Assistant Professor Clinical Preventive Medicine Health Education and Promotion Concentration Core Courses

Photo of Claradina Soto, PhD, MPH

Claradina Soto, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine Core Courses

Photo of David Black, PhD, MPH

David Black, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine Core Courses

Photo of Eunjung Lee, PhD

Eunjung Lee, PhD

Assistant Professor Research Preventive Medicine

Photo of Farzana Choudhury, PhD, MPH

Farzana Choudhury, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Research Ophthalmology Core Courses

Photo of Gregory Stevens, PhD, MHS

Gregory Stevens, PhD, MHS

Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine Core Courses

Photo of Heather Wipfli, PhD

Heather Wipfli, PhD

Professor of Clinical Population & Public Health Sciences and International Relations

Photo of James Gauderman, PhD

James Gauderman, PhD

Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine Biostatistics/Epidemiology Concentration

Photo of Jane Steinberg, PhD, MPH

Jane Steinberg, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine Community Health Promotion Concentration Core Courses

Photo of Joel E. Milam, PhD

Joel E. Milam, PhD

Associate Professor of Research Preventive Medicine Head of Health Behavior Research Postdoctoral Program Health Education and Promotion Concentration

Photo of Kacie Blackman, PhD

Kacie Blackman, PhD

Part-Time Lecturer Global Health Concentration

Photo of Laura Ferguson, PhD

Laura Ferguson, PhD

Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine Global Health Concentration

Photo of Louise Rohrbach, PhD, MPH

Louise Rohrbach, PhD, MPH

Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine Director, MPH Program Health Education and Promotion Concentration

Photo of Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, PhD, MPH

Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, PhD, MPH

Global Health Concentration

Photo of Melissa Wilson, PhD, MPH

Melissa Wilson, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Research Preventive Medicine Core Courses

Photo of Meredith Franklin, PhD

Meredith Franklin, PhD

Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine Biostatistics/Epidemiology Concentration

Photo of Michael R. Cousineau, DPH

Michael R. Cousineau, DPH

Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine Health Services and Policy Concentration

Photo of Paula Patnoe-Woodley, MA

Paula Patnoe-Woodley, MA

Adjunct Lecturer Community Health Promotion Concentration

Photo of Ricky Bluthenthal, PhD

Ricky Bluthenthal, PhD

Professor of Preventive Medicine, Associate Dean for Social Justice, Core Courses

Photo of Rima Habre, ScD

Rima Habre, ScD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine Core Courses

Photo of Rita Velikina Burke, PhD

Rita Velikina Burke, PhD

Assistant Professor of Research Surgery & Preventive Medicine Core Courses

Photo of Rob Scot McConnell, MD

Rob Scot McConnell, MD

Professor of Preventive Medicine Core Courses

Photo of Roksana Karim, MD, PhD

Roksana Karim, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine Core Courses Biostatistics/Epidemiology Concentration

Photo of Shubha Kumar, PhD, MPH

Shubha Kumar, PhD, MPH

Director, Master of Public Health Online Program

Photo of Sofia Gruskin, JD, MIA

Sofia Gruskin, JD, MIA

Director, USC Institute on Inequalities in Global Health

Photo of Sue Ingles, DrPH

Sue Ingles, DrPH

Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine Biostatistics/Epidemiology Concentration

Photo of Sue Kim, PhD, MPH

Sue Kim, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine Core Courses Health Services and Policy Concentration

Photo of Talat Islam, MD, PhD

Talat Islam, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Research Preventive Medicine Core Courses

Photo of Theresa (Tracy) Bastain, PhD, MPH

Theresa (Tracy) Bastain, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine Core Courses

Photo of Tom Mack, MD, MPH

Tom Mack, MD, MPH

Professor of Preventive Medicine Core Courses Biostatistics/Epidemiology Concentration

Photo of Victoria Cortessis, PhD

Victoria Cortessis, PhD

Associate Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine

Photo of Yasser Aman, DrPH, MPH

Yasser Aman, DrPH, MPH

Part-Time Lecturer Core Courses

Photo of Dr. Mellissa Withers, PhD, MHS

Dr. Mellissa Withers, PhD, MHS

Associate Professor, Core Courses, Global Health Concentration

Our faculty do more than work in public health.
They lead it.

The faculty who lead our online MPH program are among the most highly regarded educators and public health professionals in the world. Not only are they vocal participants in the dialogue regarding disease control, they are also committed to modernizing preventive care measures and invested in implementing health care practices and promoting health care education that creates healthier communities. Researchers in the Department of Preventive Medicine have been recognized worldwide for their studies in biostatistics, bioinformatics, epidemiology, environmental health, health behavior and prevention, detection and treatment methods.

They are widely sought for peer review and advisory activities and participate in diverse committees of:

The National Institutes of Health

The Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council

The World Health Organization

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration

In addition to the groundbreaking research within each division, many faculty members are affiliated with the USC Institute for Global Health and the Institute for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention.