University of Sourthern California


Academics Overview

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The Master of Public Health (MPH) Online program at USC offers a rigorous curriculum that attracts dedicated and ambitious professionals with a passion to serve in the public health arena. The program’s core coursework aims to develop your key public health competencies and skills through the use of cases and examples from industry — ranging from local to global.

Academics Overview - Core Courses

PM 501

Foundations in Health Education and Promotion

4 Units

PM 508

Health Service and Delivery in the U.S.

4 Units

PM 510

Principles of Biostatistics

4 Units

PM 512

Principles of Epidemiology

4 Units

PM 564

Public Health Leadership and Management

4 Units


As an MPH online student, you can tailor your studies by choosing a concentration:

Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Community Health Promotion

Global Health

Health Services and Policy



The MPH online program practicum combines field training with a leadership seminar and capstone course.

With the help of your practicum advisor, you’ll select a public health agency within your desired geographic location (domestic or international) — such as a health department, community-based organization or research center — and you’ll practice leveraging what you’ve learned in a guided, hands-on experience. Then, in the capstone course, you’ll write a research paper, often related to what you do for your field training, on the competencies you’ve built throughout the program.

For students already working in public health settings, you may have the opportunity to complete your practicum at your place of work. If you are interested in hosting a student for a practicum experience, please contact us at

Academics Overview - Practicum Components

PM 596

Practicum in Public Health

1 Unit

PM 597

Capstone in Public Health

1 Unit

Faculty-Led Trips

Students in the USC Master of Public Health Online program are encouraged to participate in our unique faculty-led international trips (usually two weeks). These opportunities offer hands-on public health experience in clinics, government organizations, non-governmental organizations, research institutes and in communities around the world. Students can earn course credit for the two-week faculty-led trip and, if desired, set up a practicum and extend their time in the country.