University of Sourthern California


How to Become an Epidemiologist and Enhance Public Health

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When it comes to maintaining the health and safety of the population in both the short and long term, few methods rank higher than public health awareness. Although public health efforts are most closely associated with mitigating the spread of disease, they also promote healthy behaviors such as maintaining a proper diet, practicing good hygiene and avoiding unhealthy habits such as smoking.

Public health professionals operate under the premise that everyone is entitled to health equity, meaning that everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve their highest level of personal health, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). To do that, public health efforts must overcome social, economic, regional and other injustices.

Diseases and viruses don’t discriminate by income level, social status or any other attribute, so everyone benefits by becoming aware of public health concerns. When populations all have the same information on public health issues, they are more capable of protecting themselves and preventing the spread of diseases and viruses. They are also more inclined to prevent health issues via healthy lifestyle choices.

Epidemiologists perform one of the core functions in the field of public health. These public health workers investigate the causes and patterns of diseases, viruses, medical conditions and injuries. Those wondering how to become an epidemiologist are encouraged to seek out a degree in public health.

Master of Public Health (MPH) degree can be a great starting point for anyone wishing to pursue a public health career. MPH programs teach students the skills needed to be an epidemiologist and help them develop the necessary knowledge base.

EpidemiologistWhat Is an Epidemiologist?

An epidemiologist is what most people think of when discussing the field of public health and the workers in charge of investigating diseases and viruses. Epidemiologists are informally known as “disease detectives” because they trace diseases’ origins. However, they may also track harmful bacteria and pollutants.

For example, CBS News recently reported that public health workers had discovered a deadly bacterium in the Gulf Coast region of Mississippi that caused two residents to develop melioidosis. After investigating, the CDC advised residents not to write off symptoms they might assume to be the common flu or a similar illness. The CDC also issued precautions about using personal protective equipment.

When epidemiologists aren’t tracking down diseases, they’re running experiments and conducting research to better understand them. This helps them develop guidelines and precautions, which ultimately promote better health outcomes.

Epidemiologists are also heavily involved in prevention and public education efforts regarding issues such as substance abuse, public health preparedness, environmental issues and mental health. They make the public aware of other public health threats as well, such as airborne toxins being released by a chemical plant, harmful germs that have been identified in the nation’s food supply chain or other widespread health risks.

What an epidemiologist is working on and the population they are trying to protect varies by day and by region; however, their efforts are primarily preventive. Doctors, nurses and other front-line medical workers treat patients. Epidemiologists try to prevent as many people from becoming patients as possible through education and awareness.

Epidemiologist Job Description: What Do They Do?

Epidemiologists’ job descriptions can vary depending on their specific roles. Some epidemiologists focus on research while others work on testing and analyzing diseases and viruses. What’s more, epidemiologists can either be generalists or focus on a specialty.

The following are some top epidemiology specializations:

  • Cancer epidemiology: This is the study of cancer that focuses on molecular pathology, biology, genetics, biostatistics and immunology. Types of cancers studied include colorectal, ovarian, lung, prostate, hematologic, endometrial, nasopharyngeal and breast.
  • Cardiovascular epidemiology: This is the study of cardiovascular illnesses, their determinants and preventive measures.
  • Chronic disease epidemiology: This is the study of chronic conditions such as hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol), hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes and cancer.
  • Clinical epidemiology: This specialization applies the techniques and concepts of epidemiology, decision analysis and statistics to clinical problems.
  • Emergency response epidemiology: Also known as disaster epidemiology, this specialization focuses on the prevention of illnesses, injuries and deaths caused by large-scale disasters. It also uses data from prior disasters to improve prevention tactics for future events.
  • Environmental health epidemiology: This is the study of how environmental exposures to substances such as bacteria and pollutants can impact public health. This can pertain to air quality, water quality, bacteria in soil and other areas.
  • Epidemiology of aging: This is the study of the public health impacts relative to aging populations. The epidemiology of aging populations examines major geriatric syndromes such as disabilities and cognitive decline.
  • Genetic epidemiology: This is the study of the genetic differences among humans and how those differences may contribute to disease or illness.
  • Global health epidemiology: This is the study of chronic and infectious diseases at a global level. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic would fall under global health epidemiology.
  • Infectious disease epidemiology: This is the study of infectious diseases and how biological, behavioral and social determinants can play a factor in their emergence.
  • Injury epidemiology: This is the study of risk factors for and causes of injuries. Since injuries can take place anywhere, it studies injuries in the workplace, the home, recreational environments, transportation and sports, among other places.
  • Maternal and child health epidemiology: This specialization focuses on improving the health outcomes of people of child-bearing age and their children by assessing the health care needs and disparities among populations.
  • Neuropsychiatric epidemiology: This is the study of the epidemiology of neurological diseases and psychiatric illnesses.
  • Nutritional epidemiology: This is the study of nutritional determinants of diseases and illnesses.
  • Occupational epidemiology: This is the study of populations of workers and their exposure to harmful biological, chemical or physical agents that may impact their health outcomes.
  • Oral health epidemiology: This is the study of oral health conditions such as tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer, cleft lip and cleft palate.
  • Pharmacoepidemiology: This is the study of the unintended and intended effects of vaccines, drugs, medical procedures, medical devices and biologics and how they impact health outcomes.
  • Reproductive epidemiology: This is the study of the determinants of disease and illnesses relative to human reproduction.
  • Substance abuse epidemiology: This is the study of the health outcomes and societal impact of those who abuse substances such as nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, prescription medications and illegal street drugs.

Epidemiologist Job Description and Work Environment

Keeping differences among specializations in mind, the typical epidemiologist job description includes the following duties:

  • Develop studies and methods of researching public health threats
  • Collect information on public health threats using a variety of methods such as surveys, interviews, observations and sample collections
  • Analyze the results of studies looking for patterns and insights
  • Make data-driven conclusions that can be used to develop public health policies
  • Draft public health policies intended to prevent the spread of a public health threat and mitigate its effects on a population
  • Relay recommendations to the appropriate government and public health officials so that they may be shared with the public
  • Optimize or improve upon existing programs and policies
  • Direct and supervise teams of public health professionals working on large projects (applies to high-ranking epidemiologists or those in leadership positions)

Work environments of epidemiologists can vary. Most epidemiologists are employed by state and local governments, hospitals, universities and research organizations. Most also work in lab settings; however, many do field work and interact with local communities while conducting research. Some epidemiologists travel to remote locations or underdeveloped areas.

How Long Does It Take to Become an Epidemiologist?

Education plays a key role in pursuing a career in public health. How long it takes to become an epidemiologist depends on an individual’s degree path.

Employers generally require epidemiologists to hold a master’s degree, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Most aspiring epidemiologists begin with a four-year bachelor’s degree program in either public health, nutrition, biostatistics or biology. Core coursework includes classes such as chemistry, calculus, health science, biology, behavioral science and social science. Additionally, most bachelor’s degree programs require a semester-long practicum or internship to graduate.

The most common master’s degree for an epidemiologist is a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree. An MPH degree has a broad scope that can prepare graduates to become epidemiologists in a variety of specialties. Students can take courses in biostatistics, environmental health, health service delivery, public health policy, chronic diseases and more. An MPH can usually be completed in two years, though this can vary.

After earning a master’s degree, graduates are encouraged to find entry-level work or internships to gain on-the-job experience. Many health and government-run facilities have open positions for recent graduates that can offer experience in public health. Most professionals work in one or more support positions before becoming epidemiologists. Gaining a variety of public health experiences is one of the best ways to become an epidemiologist.

While individual paths may vary, it generally takes a minimum of seven years to become an epidemiologist. For those who attend school part time it will take longer.

What Are the Skills Needed to Be an Epidemiologist?

Epidemiologists perform research, investigate diseases and work with their local communities and government agencies. The core skills needed to be an epidemiologist include the following:

  • Mathematics and statistics: Since epidemiologists regularly devise studies and conduct research, they’ll often rely upon their skills in statistics and math to understand the large data sets they work with.
  • Attention to detail: Epidemiologists must be attentive and able to pick up on the significance of even the smallest details in the data they collect.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving: Once an epidemiologist collects enough data and information, they’ll rely on their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities to develop solutions.
  • Communication: Epidemiologists need to be able to relay their findings to public health officials and government agencies clearly. They should have strong written and verbal communication skills.
  • Collaboration: Public health work is a team effort, so epidemiologists must be able to work in concert with other public health workers, government agencies and community members.
  • Leadership: For high-ranking epidemiologists working on large projects, leadership skills are critical for managing a team of epidemiologists working to achieve a collective goal.

Epidemiologist Salary and Job Outlook

Epidemiologists’ salaries depend on factors such as their education, experience, region and employer. The BLS reports that the top 10% of earners had a salary of $130,050 in 2021. The BLS also breaks down the median annual wages for epidemiologists by industry. Epidemiologists working in scientific research and development services had the highest median salary at $126,470.

The BLS reports that the number of positions for epidemiologists is projected to grow 30% between 2020 and 2030, which is much faster than the national average of 8% growth projected for all positions. Epidemiology is one of the fastest-growing careers in public health. The BLS cites the ongoing health concerns related to the pandemic and advances in health care technology that are leading to the discovery of new diseases as reasons for the high projected job growth.

Help the World Be a Healthier Place

The important work of epidemiologists spans far beyond the study and prevention of diseases and viruses such as COVID-19. Epidemiologists and public health workers are the driving force behind educating the populace about the importance of good hygiene practices, proper diet and exercise and the negative effects of drug and alcohol abuse. They are also responsible for keeping the public informed about novel public health threats and relaying real-time information about mitigating their impact. Becoming an epidemiologist can be one of the most impactful and worthwhile careers in public health.

Individuals interested in how to become an epidemiologist should know the process involves dedication and investing in education. Those who are ready to take the journey are encouraged to commit to a program that will help them learn the skills needed to be an epidemiologist.

The Master of Public Health degree program at USC lays the educational foundation for aspiring epidemiologists to enter the field with confidence. It offers the following six public health concentrations:

Students have the convenience of being able to take 100% of their coursework online and receive personalized instruction from expert faculty members. USC’s quality of education and dedication to academic excellence help prepare graduates to make a difference in the field of public health.

Take the first step to pursuing your goal of becoming an epidemiologist with USC. 

Recommended Reading

How Harm Reduction Services Improve Health Equity and Save Lives

How Women’s Empowerment Fosters Global Reproductive Health

Important Vaccines in History 


CBS News, “CDC Warns of Deadly Bacteria Found in Mississippi Soil After Two Residents Sickened”

CDC Foundation, What Is Public Health?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Disaster Epidemiology

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Foodborne Germs and Illnesses

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, What Is Health Equity?

Exponent, Injury Epidemiology

Forbes, “When Data Science Met Epidemiology”

Indeed, “How to Become an Epidemiologist”

Indeed, “What Is an Epidemiologist and What Do They Do?”

International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, About Pharmacoepidemiology

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, “Pandemics and Methodological Developments in Epidemiology History”

National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, Clinical Epidemiology Unit

National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, What We Study

National Human Genome Research Institute, Genetic Epidemiology

New Mexico Department of Health, Environmental Health Epidemiology Bureau

OmicsOnline, Pediatric Epidemiology

Revue Neurologique, “Epidemiology of Neurological Diseases in Older Adults”

Texas Health and Human Services, Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Unit

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Epidemiologists

U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Epidemiology

U.S. News & World Report, University of Southern California

Verywell Health, “Overview of the Public Health Field”

World Health Organization, Ageing and Health

World Health Organization, Cardiovascular Diseases

World Health Organization, Oral Health